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Scannig & Bundling for Physical Evaluation

Purpose of the Scanning and Bundling Process:

In the physical evaluation process, scanning and bundling are critical steps to ensure that answer booklets are securely organized and tracked throughout the evaluation phase.

Steps for Scanning and Bundling:

Creating a New Bundle:

  1. To create a new bundle, select the option to 'Add New Bundle'.
  2. A system-generated Bundle ID will be provided, which can be customized according to your preference.
  3. Record the subject code and the total number of answer booklets that will be included in this bundle.
  4. Confirm the details to successfully create the bundle within the ExamX system.

Scanning the Answer Booklets:

  • Obtain a barcode scanner to input booklet IDs into the system.
  • Scan each booklet's barcode, ensuring they are entered in the correct sequence.
  • The scanned booklets will be automatically assigned to the created bundle, linking them together for subsequent evaluation steps.

Note: Its mandatory to manually write the Bundle ID on the second part of the answer booklet.

Completing the Bundling Process:

  • Once all relevant booklets for a subject are scanned and the Bundle ID is noted, the bundling process is complete.
  • Ensure that all bundles are stored securely until they are moved to the evaluation phase.

Managing the Bundling Process:

  • Accuracy: Verify that all booklets are scanned correctly and that the Bundle IDs are clear and legible.
  • Record-Keeping: Keep detailed records of all bundles and their respective booklets for tracking purposes.
  • Communication: Inform the evaluation team about the bundling protocol and ensure they understand how to handle the bundles during the evaluation.

By following these steps for the scanning and bundling process in ExamX, institutions can maintain a high level of organization and security for physical evaluation, thereby upholding the integrity of the examination process.