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Admissions Quota


Admissions Quotas are essential to the structure of any educational institution. They represent the allocated number of seats or spots available for prospective students in various courses. In the CampX platform, managing these quotas ensures that admissions are granted fairly and according to plan. This feature is designed to help faculty members set and adjust quotas to meet their departmental objectives and student demand.This guide provides a step-by-step process for adding Admission Quotas within the EnrollX Platform, facilitating structured student leads management.

Getting Started

To begin managing Admissions Quotas, here’s how to navigate:

  1. Sign in to your CampX account and access EnrollX app.
  2. Click Configurationon the EnrollX Sidebar.
  3. Click on Admissions dropdown and Select Quotas to perform the operations.

Feature Usage

Once in the Quotas section, you will see a list of current quotas, each associated with a specific course. This interface allows you to add new quotas, edit existing ones, or remove them as needed.

Performing Actions

Creation of Admission Quota using Courses

  1. To add a new quota, click the New Quota button.
  2. In the pop-up form, enter the name of the quota and select the relevant Course from the drop-down menu.
  3. Submit the form to create a new New Quota.

Updating of Admission Quota

  1. Find the Quota you wish to update from the list.
  2. Click the Edit action button pencil icon next to the Quota in the table.
  3. Modify the Quota name or associated Course as necessary.
  4. Save the changes to apply the update.

Deletion of Admission Quota:

  1. Locate the Quota you intend to delete.
  2. Click the Delete action button trash icon next to the Quota in the table.
  3. Confirm the deletion to remove the Quota from the list.

Utility of the Feature for Admission Quotas

The Admissions Quotas feature assists in maintaining the integrity of the admission process and also ensure to segment the student based on the quota in the institution.

Support and Assistance

For any additional support or questions regarding the Admissions Quota feature, please consult our CampX Support Docs for detailed guides and FAQs. The EnrollX support team is also available to provide personalized assistance, ensuring you can fully utilize the capabilities of the CampX platform for your admissions needs. For guidance or queries, access our support docs via CampX Support Docs.