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Fee Structures

Setting Up Fee Structures


Creating a program-specific fee structure in PayX is crucial for automatically assigning the correct fees to students upon enrollment in a batch and program.

  1. Access Settings > Fee Structures from the PayX dashboard.

Filtering and Editing Existing Fee Structures

  • Apply filters such as type, batch, degree/course, branch, quota, and lateral entry status to refine existing fee structures.
  • Edit or Delete Fee Structures from the Actions Column in Fee Structures

Adding a New Fee Structure

  1. Click Add New Fee to initiate the setup.
  2. In the form, select the batch, degree/course, and specify if it's for lateral entry students.
  3. Choose multiple programs and assign student groups (quotas).
  4. Below, a new section appears for year-wise fee addition.

Configuring Year-Wise Fees

  1. Click Add Field to enter fee details for each academic year.
  2. Define the fee type, amount, single payment option, minimum amount type (percentage or fixed), and the minimum amount or percentage.

Finalizing the Structure

  • Submit to create the comprehensive fee structure, which will then be systematically assigned to students based on their program and batch details.

The visual interface simplifies the process, ensuring all students are billed accurately according to their specific program's fee structure.